From our Platinum Sponsor level to our Supporter package, we have options to align with your mission and budget to be a part of our events.

$10,000 - Includes sponsorship recognition at all foundation events: Fit at the Farm, Wizards, Pickle Ball Tournament, Kids Prom and Blue Jeans Ball.
$7,500 - Includes sponsorship recognition at three (you select) of the foundation events.
Warrior Blue
$5,000 - Includes sponsorship recognition at two (you select) of the foundation events.
Warrior Orange
$1,000 - Includes sponsorship recognition at one (you select) of the foundation events.
Warrior White
$500 - Select an extra sponsorship at one more event.
Warrior Way
$250 - Court sponsorship of pickleball event.
Warrior Blue
Warrior Orange
Warrior White
Cana’s Crew
Dave McMillan
Johnson County Axe Throwing
Sharon Conner on behalf of the Teachers and Staff of Clark-Pleasant Community Schools
Michelle Davis